Friday, April 18, 2008

A couple of great Strategy Books

Someone came across my 'im' recently w/ a great book. I took a look at it and started to find some significant value to this book, soooo I'm sharing.

The book is written by Kim Birch AKA KB and Danish Dragon.
He has only been playing online pro since 2001. In the book he is outlining some great strategies - I haven't finished the book yet, but I'm loving it. She is actually looking at some of the poker strategies as you might a small business, although he is very practical.

Online Poker Strategies by the Danish Dragon

Now you will VERY rarely find me endorsing books, because we all have our own style, but there is one more that I wanted to recommend - also an ebook - It's Called "Beating the Odds" It is written for women, encompassing our point of view. It is something that after applying the approaches here, my game has improved. This is one I've completed and have gone back to several times. It is sooo worth the investment - well it has been for me. I love RAZZ and Hold'em (polar opposites I know) but the basics are in this book.

Beating the Odds: A Guide for Women To Becoming a Champion Poker Player